Reboot the SBS 2008 server. RRAS (VPN) Note: If you plan to enable VPN on your SBS 2008 server, you MUST also Export and then Delete the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess\RouterManagers\Ipv6 If you do not delete this key you will get an 20103 Event when trying to start RRAS with IPv6

Today we’ll look at setting up a quick PPTP VPN from Server 2008 R2 with 1 network card. Server Side (Server 2008 R2) Head to Server Manager, right click and Add Role; Select Network Policy and Access Services; Select Routing and Remote Access Services, next, next until complete; Expand Roles, right click on routing and remote access and sbs 2008 – C7 Solutions The working instructions for configuring SSTP on SBS 2008 is much more complicated than the steps below. SSL based VPN’s are great. In short it is VPN without firewall or NAT issues (both of which you get with PPTP and IPSec VPN’s). But the current release of SBS 2008 (RC0) does not enable SSTP VPN… What port do I need open to allow VPN to SBS?

The Windows 2008 R2 (SBS) machine was earlier setup to run a PPTP VPN server. Due to security concerns I do want to replace the PPTP by L2TP/IPsec VPN server. The server is behind a NAT router where 3 forward rules to the Windows Server are created: protocol 50 (ESP) port UDP 500 (IKE) port UDP 4500 (NAT traversal)

Aug 22, 2008

SEP 12.1.5 Client blocks internet access for clients

Jul 08, 2010 · 6 Responses to VPN to your SBS 2008 (or SBS 2003) with an iPad. Alan Baker says: July 8, 2010 at 10:53 pm